Okay, seriously....where has the summer gone? Sheesh!! I had set out do accomplish all sorts of things and go all sorts of fun places and even though we did do some really fun things this summer, I feel somewhat sad that a lot of the things on my "list" didn't get done and there went another summer flying right past me! I have been so behind on documenting the adorable things my kiddos do and say that I had to kick myself in gear and get some of these up even though they're not my most recent ones.
Mya: Now 1yr and 8 months old and growing so tall! She is so funny- she climbs the rock wall on our play set all by herself, climbs up on all of my counters and puts on everyone else's shoes and clothes. She always wants my "dum" when we get in the car (gum) and eats every last piece in the package if I don't catch her fast enough :) She loves yogurt, melon, veggies and anything sweet and is my little cuddle-bug who thinks she is as big as her brother. She wants to ride his big bike sooooo bad! She adores Eli and is a fish in the water. She has no fear of anything and loves life. She is so interested in bugs and will study them and let them crawl on her all while laughing. She's also a streaker and will take off her diaper any chance she gets so she can run naked through the yard. She has been my easiest napper-she enjoys a nice long nap in the afternoon and smiles when I lay her in her bed. She runs on her tiptoes and has a little princess bounce and skip to it. Her eyes light up and her smile is so big that she brightens any room. I am so in love with this little girl and her cute little pig tails-life would not be near as sunny without Mya.
Eli: 3 1/2 years My soft on the inside and very sensitive tough guy-he's so competitive and hates to lose and if he does it breaks his heart. He is so helpful with his sister and I've caught him hugging her and telling her everything is okay and it melted my heart. He's all boy and loves the dirt, trucks, racecars and sports. He says the funniest things like "I'm getting married tomorrow" me: oh really, who's the lucky girl? Eli: "Mya" hee hee Grandma: "I'm pooped!" Eli: (he walks outside to where papa is) Papa: Where's grandma?" Eli: "She's inside-she poopeded her pants!" and so many other things that I can't even remember. He's so cute! He's been taking swimming lessons and goes on the kickboard all by himself. He's already asking for a pinata at his birthday party (in January) He is very coordinated and rides his scooter really well for so young-we go on long walks on the canyon and he keeps me running so I can keep up with him. I love his adorable smiles and everything about this little guy, he's growing so fast and he's become so independent. He's high energy and full of it! :)

GREAT shots! I am always so mesmerized by your photo taking magic. Flash? How on earth do you get such amazing color and clarity!?!?!
Im with brook- FABULOUS photos!! you must have a studio?
and seriously- the summer was here and gone in a flash. my kids are back in school and things will start to slow down now. I took very few photos this summer that werent at weddings that I was paid for. I had a great tie being with my kids and playing- but I wish I had just a few more memories captured somewhere bedsides in my heart and my head.
You guys are so sweet, I've been so bad at keeping up with the blog lately that I feel terrible! @Brooke- you are amazing too!! Outside I don't use any flash but indoors I do have a small studio and use my softbox. I love it and love both outdoor and studio shots, I can't pick a favorite :) As for color and clarity, the right exposure always helps with a custom white balance, and then I make sure to focus on the eyes. After that I use ps to tweak things. Oh, and I shoot in RAW which allows more flexibility as well. Hope you are doing great! @megan- go girl! Weddings are so fun but a lot of work, sounds like you've been busy! I too wish I had more memories captured because these days I don't remember much and my kiddos are growing so fast. (sigh) Good luck with school :)
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